= Cyphostemma macropus (Welw.) Desc.
Notul. Syst. (Paris) 16: 122. 1960
Accepted Scientific Name: Cyphostemma currorii (Hook.f.) Desc.
Naturalia Monspel., Sér. Bot. 18: 220 1967
Origin and Habitat: Angola Serra dos Montres Negros in the vicinity of Mossamedes
Habitat: Grows in hot and dry, stony, mostly east-facing slopes
Altitude: 100-450 m
See all synonyms of Cyphostemma currorii
Accepted name in llifle Database:Cyphostemma currorii (Hook.f.) Desc.Naturalia Monspel., Sér. Bot. 18: 220 1967Synonymy: 12
Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Butter Tree, South West African Grapes
PORTUGUESE (Português): Odre do Deserto
Description: It is a deciduous summer growing caudiciform with a short compact trunk, which divides closely over the ground into spreading thick fleshy branches and forming a small “ tree” up 60 (or more) cm tall when old. It is related to Cyphostemma uterSN|22631]]SN|22631]] in northern Namibia and is distinguishable for the smaller seeds and the substantially more compact and succulent habit.
Caudex (tuberous rootstock): Swollen, spherical or roundish often larger than tall from a conical underground rootstock 35- to 60cm in diameter with decorative dull white to orange bark, peeling off in paper-like flakes.
Branches: Succulent, spreading or upright, tapering towards the apex, 10-30 cm tall and 4-8 cm in diameter, bark peeling.
Leaves: Crowded at end of branches, lasting only for a short time during active growing season, simple, alternate, fleshyand hairy when young, with undulate, serrated margin. Stalk 3,5-5 cm long.
Flowers: Cup-shaped pale yellow to greenish-yellow arranged in cymes.
Blooming season: Summer
Fruit: Berries.
Cultivation and Propagation: This species has the fame to be difficult to grow. Whatever view one adopts, it is worth a place in every succulents collection. The plants grow and flower in summer and need a well drained soil and do best when fully exposed to the sun. Like all caudiciform species, it requires careful watering (rot sensitive), and patience to match its slow growth. In cultivation minimum temperatures of -3 deg Celsius are withstood as long as the plants are kept relatively dry and well ventilated.
Propagation: Seed or cuttings. Seedlings are very prone to rot. Sowing is done in autumn or early winter and germination very variable. The seedlings should not be disturbed until they are well rooted, after which they can be planted separately in small pots.
Beware: The berries are not edible.