Donate/Support LLIFLE the encyclopedias of living forms
LLIFLE encyclopedias are run and supported by volunteers like you. With more and more people helping to make great encyclopedias, we need bigger and faster servers to keep up with the demand. Although we receive around 5% of our income from the advertisements, we need to raise more funds from other sources. If you enjoy using or contributing to LLIFLE, please consider making a donation to help to support all the work LLIFLE undertakes.
If you'd like to make a one-time or a recurrent regular donation to LLIFLE, you can use PayPal to make it fast and easy.
PayPal members can pay directly from their checking accounts. Non-PayPal members can still pay with a credit card without signing up for PayPal. Either way, it's a convenient way to support LLIFLE, the encyclopedias of living forms.
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