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Euphorbia beharensis var. squarrosa Rauh
Trop. Subtrop. Pflanzenwelt 100: 14 (1999)


See all synonyms of Euphorbia beharensis

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Euphorbia beharensis group

  • Euphorbia beharensis Leandri: is a much-branched shrubs with tuberous roots and branches very slender, 3-5 mm thick, spines 1-1.5 cm long. Inflorescence small green borne on short peduncle from branch apices. Distribution: S and SW Madagascar
  • Euphorbia beharensis var. adpressifolia Rauh: has leaves deflexed against the stem. Cymes with very short peduncles. Distribution: SW Madagascar (Behara).
  • Euphorbia beharensis var. guillemetii (Ursch & Leandri) Rauh: Has spines 3-8 mm long; leaves up to 12 mm long and 4 mm wide. Distribution: SW Madagascar (Ranomainty).
  • Euphorbia beharensis var. squarrosa Rauh: has larger leaves up to 2 cm long; Spines shorter, to 5 mm long; Inflorescences on peduncles to 1.5 cm long; Cyathia smaller. Distribution: SW Madagascar(Tolanaro).
  • Euphorbia beharensis var. truncata Rauh: has leaves obovate with truncate tips, to 1.5 cm long and 2 cm wide. Distribution: SW Madagascar (Tolanaro).

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