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Euphorbia enterophora subs. crassa Cremers
Adansonia sér. 2, 17(3): 348. 1978


See all synonyms of Euphorbia enterophora
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Euphorbia enterophora subs. crassa Cremers
Adansonia sér. 2, 17(3): 348. 1978

Accepted name in llifle Database:
Euphorbia enterophora Drake
Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. (Paris) 5: 307 1899
Synonymy: 4

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Euphorbia enterophora group

  • Euphorbia enterophora Drake: is a tree up to 10 m tall, with lateral branches flattened, 2-angled, yellowish green, leaf-like, compressed, ribbonlike, spineless. The tips hairy whitish. Distribution: Madagascar and the Comoros.
  • Euphorbia enterophora subs. crassa Cremers: is a shrub to 4 meters tall with branches slightly thicker. Branches tips, leaves and fruit red hairy. Distribution: Tolinara. Madagascar.

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