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Euphorbia enopla var. viridis A.C.White, R.A.Dyer & B.Sloane
Succ. Euphorb. 2: 643, 964, ill., 1941

Accepted Scientific Name: Euphorbia enopla Boiss.
Cent. Euphorb. 27. 1860 Boiss.


See all synonyms of Euphorbia enopla
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Euphorbia enopla Boiss.
Cent. Euphorb. 27. 1860
Synonymy: 2

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Euphorbia enopla group

  • Euphorbia enopla Boiss.: It’s a heavily branching dioecious succulent shrub that grow to about 30-100 cm, much branched from the base, profusely covered with thick, prominent lovely long red spines.
  • Euphorbia enopla var. viridis A.C.White, R.A.Dyer & B.Sloane: Distinguishable from Euphorbia enopla for the yellowish-green spiny sterile peduncles.

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