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Nolina parviflora (Kunth) Hemsl.
Biol. Cent. Amer. Bot. 3: 372 (1884).


See all synonyms of Nolina parviflora
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Nolina parviflora (Kunth) Hemsl.
Biol. Cent. Amer. Bot. 3: 372 (1884).
Synonymy: 13

Common Names include:
SCOTS (Scoats leid/Lallans): sotol

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Nolina parviflora group

  • Nolina longifolia (Karw. ex Schult. & Schult.f.) Hemsl.: Tree-like 1-3 m tall. Leaves dropping, 50-250 cm long by 10-30 mm wide. Bark, thick corky and deeply fissured. Distribution: states of Oaxaca and Puebla.
  • Nolina parviflora (Kunth) Hemsl.: tree-like 4-5 m high, 150-200 leaves per rosette. Sheets 1-1.5 m long, persistent, bending with age, Fruits 7-10 x 9-14 mm. Seeds with net or dot ornamentation. Distribution: Federal District and states of Chihuahua, Durango, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Nayarit, México, Michoacán, Oaxaca, Puebla, Veracruz and Zacatecas.

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