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Sedum nicaeense subs. dianium (O.Bolòs) Rivas Mart.
Opusc. Bot. Pharm. Complut. 3: 88 (1986)

= Sedum sediforme var. dianium O.Bolòs
Collect. Bot. (Barcelona) 5: 535 (1957)

Accepted Scientific Name: Sedum sediforme subs. dianium (O.Bolòs) O.Bolòs
Mem. Real Acad. Ci. Barcelona 38(1): 73 (1967)


See all synonyms of Sedum sediforme

Synonymy: 2 Accepted name in llifle Database:
Sedum sediforme (Jacq.) Pau
Actas Mem. Prim. Congr. Nat. Esp. Zaragoza 1908: 246 1909.
Synonymy: 20

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