= Kalanchoe rhombopilosa var. viridifolia Rauh
Bradleya 15: 9, f. 33–37 1997.
Accepted Scientific Name: Kalanchoe rhombopilosa Mannoni & Boiteau
Notul. Syst. (Paris) 13: 153–154, f. 1(20–21) 1947

Kalanchoe rhombopilosa var. viridis (Kalanchoe rhombopilosa var. viridifolia) Photo by: Giuseppe Distefano
Origin and Habitat: Southwestern Madagascar.
Habitat: Kalanchoe rhombopilosaSN|27792]]SN|27792]] grows in dry bushy areas usually in shaded places.
See all synonyms of Kalanchoe rhombopilosa
Accepted name in llifle Database:Kalanchoe rhombopilosa Mannoni & BoiteauNotul. Syst. (Paris) 13: 153–154, f. 1(20–21) 1947Synonymy: 5
Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Kalanchoe rhombopilosa group
Bibliography: Major referencens and further lectures
1) Clive Innes “Complete Handbook of Cacti and Succulents” Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 01/Dec/1981
2) Alfred Byrd Graf “Exotica, series 4 international: pictorial cyclopedia of exotic plants from tropical and near-tropic regions” Roehrs Co. Publishers, 1982
3) Boiteau, P & Allorge-Boiteau, L., "Kalanchoe de Madagascar" Karthala. 1995
4) Notulae Systematicae. Herbier du Muséum de Paris. Phanérogramie. 13:153 1947
5) Bernard Descoings “Kalanchoe rhombopilosa.” In: Urs Eggli “Sukkulenten-Lexikon. Crassulaceae (Dickblattgewächse).” Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 178–179, 2003
6) Eggli, U. "The Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants; Crassulaceae." Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 2003
7) Jacobsen, H. “Lexicon of Succulent Plants.” Poole, Dorset: Blandford Press. 1970 (Trans. Lois Glass 1977).
8) Rauh, W., “Xerophytic and Succulent Plants of Madagascar” Vols. 1 & 2,. Strawberry Press. 1995 and 1998
9) Raven, P. et al. "The Biology of Plants", W.H. Freeman and company. New York,. p. 135 2005
10) Sajeva, M. & Costanzo, M. "Succulents: The Illustrated Dictionary" Timber Press. 1994
Cultivation and Propagation: Kalanchoe rhombopilosaSN|27792]]SN|27792]] is a popular plant among landscape designers because of attractive colours and texture of the plant. It is very easy to cultivate and makes an interesting plant in any collection and is rewarding. It is also easy to take care as indoor plant. Since it doesn't get very large it's an easy plant to move inside/outside.
Potting mix: They thrive in nutrient poor soils consisting of equal parts of loam and sand, with pumice or lava grit added to ensure good drainage.
Exposure: Plant in full sun along the coast to a light shade inland.
Watering: It needs moderate watering in autumn and spring while in summer it should be watered thoroughly and allowed to dry before watering again. In winter give only occasional watering (only when the plant starts shriveling), but it will generally grow even in winter if given water. These plants will survive on neglect. Over-watering is the most common cause of plant failure.
Frost resistance: Prefers warm temperatures, minimum winter temperature 5° C.
Uses: It makes a nice landscape plant in warmer climates because it does not require much maintenance. In colder climates, Kalanchoe rhombopilosaSN|27792]]SN|27792]] can be grown as outdoor pot plant in summer and a nice indoor accent plant in winter.
Propagation: Easily propagated by a single leaf. Place a healthy leaf on top of the soil and watch it grow. This plant loses its leaves easily but starts new plants just as easily. Kalanchoe rhombopilosaSN|27792]]SN|27792]] is a slow grower. Worth the wait! They are very fragile but do not despair each leave that may fall will start a new plant.