Accepted Scientific Name: Kalanchoe х houghtonii D.B.Ward
Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles) 78(2): 94 (92-95; 5 photogrs.). 2006 [4 Apr 2006] (Hybrid: K. daigremontiana x K. delagoensis)

Bryophyllum х houghtonii (Kalanchoe х houghtonii) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
Origin and Habitat: It is native of Madagascar, but widely cultivated in gardens in tropical countries. It is now naturalized almost every where beetween the tropics and commonly spreading along roadsides.
Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Mother of Millions hybrid, Mother of Thousands, Mexican Hat Plant, Good-Luck Plant, Devil's Backbone
Description: The Mother-of-Millions hybrid (Kalanchoe daigremontianaSN|14418]]SN|14430]] x Kalanchoe delagoensisSN|14430]]SN|14418]]) can be identified by the V-shaped leaved. It is a biennial erect, unbranching plant to about 75 cm.
Leaves: Arched, , boat-shaped, fleshy, tricorncred, and emerald green to brownish-green in colour , usually with purple splotches beneath and serrated margins. Plantlets are produced at the margins of leaves.
Flowers: Pendulous orange and pink in colour.
Notes: It is a garden escape and a noxious weed in many tropical country. The plant is spread by seeds and by plantlets that form on the edges of the leaves. It seems indestructible and is very difficult to eradicate as the seeds remain viable in the soil for many years. It is poisonous to stock.
Bryophyllum х houghtonii (Kalanchoe х houghtonii) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
Bryophyllum х houghtonii (Kalanchoe х houghtonii) Photo by: Edoardo Mattei
Bryophyllum х houghtonii (Kalanchoe х houghtonii) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
Bryophyllum х houghtonii (Kalanchoe х houghtonii) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
Bryophyllum х houghtonii (Kalanchoe х houghtonii) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
Bryophyllum х houghtonii (Kalanchoe х houghtonii) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
Bryophyllum х houghtonii (Kalanchoe х houghtonii) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
Bryophyllum х houghtonii (Kalanchoe х houghtonii) Photo by: Valentino VallicelliCultivation and Propagation: This plant is almost indestructible, does not require any care... no care at all, it will grow. Sure it like water, but it is very drought tolerant... ... throw it on the trash piles and it just keeps growing and flowering.
Kalankoe x houghtonii isn't hardy to severe freeze, but seem to tolerate everything else. Be careful with this species in outdoor culture, once it gets into a planting bed it is almost impossible to get rid of it, a few tiny plantlets seem to survive any attempt to weeding them out every time, and then they reproduce like crazy again.
These are very easy pot plants due to their drought tolerance, and in fact will grow in pretty deep shade without much trouble. Good thing they don't have nasty roots- they can be pulled or scooped away where not wanted. It need to be covered at least and housed in cold climates.
They are absolutely gorgeous as a cut flower in a tall stemmed green vase. However the flowers are produced only by healthy plants grown on optimal conditions:
1. It is best to grow them outside over the summer in an oversized pot so they grow large quickly with the extra fertilizing.
2. Repot them in Autumn and left outside in a bright but cool and dry location until first frost.
3. The cool temperature along with the shorter days at the back of the Solarium where the light levels are relatively low stimulate the production of abundant flower buds.
Propagation: This succulent produces its offspring at the marging of its leaves but every part of it will root and grow new plants.