Impatiens kerriae Photo by: Sándor Horváth
Origin and Habitat: Thailand in the heights of the Chiang Dao mountain, Chiang Mai.
Altitude range: Around 1900 metres above sea level.
Habitat and ecology: This species grows on wet limestone rocks. The climate is very rainy.
Common Names include:
THAI (ภาษาไทย): เหยื่อเลียงผา
Description: Impatiens kerriaeSN|32261]]SN|32261]] is a lithophytic biennial or perennial caudiciform shrub with a much succulent flask-shaped stem that will grow to ten centimetres in diameter and reach 30-70(100) cm in height, occasionally with branches at middle stem. It has thick textured deciduous leaves on the current seasons growth along with axillary white rounded helmet-like flowers with a yellow centre. This member of the Balsaminaceae family was described by William Grant Craib in 1926.
Leaves: Appearing at the top of the stem, 6-8 cm long, 4-6 cm wide, glossy green. Margin serrate.
Flowers: Solitary or 2 to 4 in each peduncle in the leaf axils, suberect, then pendulous, with small bract at base. Corolla helmet-like white with a yellow inside, 3-5 cm long. Pedicel 1-3 cm long. Petals five, unequal. The dorsal petal semi-orbicular to elliptic white, the two lateral ones oblong curved, the 2 lowermost petals connate, white, with yellow or orange patch in the middle.
Blooming season: The flowers will appear in winter (February) .
Fruit: A clavate capsule.
Seeds: Ellipsoid brown.
Bibliography: Major references and further lectures
1) Craib, W. G. & A. F. G. Kerr, eds. “Florae siamensis enumeratio”. 1925-1962
2) Shimizu, T. “A note on the distribution of the genus Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) in southeast Asia Acta” Phytotax. Geobot. 38:54.1987.
3) หนังสือพรรณไม้สวนพฤกษศาสตร์สมเด็จพระนางเจ้าสิริกิติ์ เล่ม [5th Book 'Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden', Vol. 5]
4) “Impatiens kerriae” Crûg Farm Plants, Griffith's Crossing, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 1TU. <https://www.mailorder.crug-farm.co.uk/?pid=9669> web 07 January 2015
Impatiens kerriae Photo by: Sándor Horváth
Impatiens kerriae Photo by: Sándor HorváthCultivation and Propagation: Impatiens kerriaeSN|32261]]SN|32261]] needs a warm and moist enviroments.
Exposure: It need partial shade or filtered sun. Shade is sometimes provided in hot climates.
Substratum: The plants like a rich, porous, well-drained soil mix, with extra leaf mould added but aren't usually too picky as to soil type.
Fertilization: They are fertilized on a monthly basis with a balanced fertilizer during active growing phase.
Temperature requirements: Keep in a bright location in winter (minimum temperature 12-15° C). However, in the winter, keeping it cool gives the plant a needed rest.
Propagation: Exclusively by seeds that need warm (23°C) and moist humiferous substrate, germination in 4-5 weeks.