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Kleinia gregorii (S.Moore) C.Jeffrey
Kew Bull. 41(4): 927 (1986): 927 1986

Accepted Scientific Name: Senecio stapeliiformis subs. minor G.D.Rowley
Natl. Cact. Succ. J. 10(2): 31, 1955


See all synonyms of Senecio stapeliiformis

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Senecio stapeliiformis group

  • Senecio stapeliiformis E.Phillips: (subsp. stapeliiformis) has branches 1-2 cm in diameter, grooved. Capitula up to 4 cm in diameter with 10- 13 phyllaries. Distribution: South Africa.
  • Senecio stapeliiformis subs. minor G.D.Rowley: has branches less than 1 cm in diameter, angled; Capitula 18 mm in diameter with c. 9 phyllaries. Distribution: Kenya, Tanzania.

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