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Kleinia kleinia (L.) Druce
Rep. Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles 1927, viii. 544 (1928), in obs. (nom. inval. Art. 23.4)

Accepted Scientific Name: Senecio kleinia (L.) Less.
Linnaea 6: 252 (1831); Sch. Bip. in Webb & Berth. Phyt. Canar. 2: 321.

Kleinia kleinia (Senecio kleinia) Photo by: Giuseppe Distefano


See all synonyms of Senecio kleinia

Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Canary Islands Candle Plant, Candle Plant, Mountain Grass
GERMAN (Deutsch): Affenpalme, Oleanderblättrige Kleinie
SPANISH (Español): Verode, Berode, Caléton Blanco, Higuerilla, Verol, Vero de Canarias

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Senecio kleinia group

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by Valentino Vallicelli

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