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Pachycymbium meintjesianum (Lavranos) M.G.Gilbert
Bradleya 8: 24 (1990

= Caralluma meintjesiana Lavranos
J. S. African Bot. xxviii. 209 (1962).

Accepted Scientific Name: Orbea wissmannii (O.Schwartz) Bruyns
Aloe 37(4): 76. 2000

Pachycymbium meintjesianum (Caralluma meintjesiana) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
GAH 8155 Yemen. This psecies produces lots of yellow/red fowers with long, thin, tubular petals. The stems are nicely mottled


See all synonyms of Orbea wissmannii

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Orbea wissmannii group

  • Caralluma meintjesiana Lavranos: (= Orbea wissmannii) Flowers are fleshy stars with 5 narrow, linear lobes, mostly light green with a blood red centre but very variable. Distribution: Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman.
  • Orbea wissmannii (O.Schwartz) Bruyns: Corolla lobes 12-20 mm long and more than 3 mm wide, strongly curved to touch each other behind lobe and lobes convex adaxially; yellow more or less suffused with red or red becoming paler toward apex, glabrous or covered with short papillae; corona 3-4 mm tall x 3-4 mm in diameter.
  • Orbea wissmannii var. eremastrum (O.Schwartz) Bruyns: Corolla lobes 12-20 mm long and more than 3 mm wide, slightly folded back and lobes lightly convex adaxially; yellow suffused with red (sometime flesh-coloured) in proximal half, greenish yellow to yellow towards tip, glabrous or covered with short papillae; corona 3-4 mm tall x 3-4 mm in diameter.
  • Orbea wissmannii var. parviloba Bruyns: Corolla lobes 9-10 mm long and less than 2 mm wide, pale yellow, covered with white hairs. Corona 1.5-2 mm tall,2.5 mm in diameter. Distribution: Yemen.

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Pachycymbium meintjesianum (Caralluma meintjesiana) Photo by: Cactus Art
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Pachycymbium meintjesianum (Caralluma meintjesiana) Photo by: Cactus Art

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Pachycymbium meintjesianum (Caralluma meintjesiana) Photo by: Cactus Art
1192 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Pachycymbium meintjesianum (Caralluma meintjesiana) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli

1196 cactus-art Cactus Art
Pachycymbium meintjesianum (Caralluma meintjesiana) Photo by: Cactus Art
1197 cactus-art Cactus Art
Pachycymbium meintjesianum (Caralluma meintjesiana) Photo by: Cactus Art

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