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Piaranthus pillansii N.E.Br.
Fl. Cap. (Harvey) 4(1,6): 1019. 1909 [Feb 1909]

Accepted Scientific Name: Piaranthus geminatus (Masson) N.E.Br.
J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 17: 163. 1878 [1880 publ. 1878]

Piaranthus pillansii Photo by: Raffa C. Garcia


See all synonyms of Piaranthus geminatus

Common Names include:
RUSSIAN (Русский): Пиарантус Пилланса

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Piaranthus geminatus group

  • Piaranthus barrydalensis Meve: flowers whitish to yellowish with brown-red dots or transverse lines margin recurved. Corona yellow, and red. Distribution: Barrydale in the Little Karoo
  • Piaranthus disparilis N.E.Br.: has smaller corolla-lobes and different markings on the corolla. The crest of the corona-lobes is distinctly toothed, not merely minutely tuberculate. Distribution: Cape Province (Central region Laingsburg Div.)
  • Piaranthus geminatus (Masson) N.E.Br.: Flowers 13-42 mm in diameter, star-shaped, more or less pubescent, whitish, yellowish, reddish or bright brown, with or without brown-red dots or transverse lines. Corona yellow, unspotted.
  • Piaranthus geminatus subs. decorus (Masson) Bruyns: flowers green-yellow with dark red-brown, patches or bands and densely velvety-hairy. inner corona lobes incumbent on the anthers with large and deeply furrowed crests. Distribution: Northern Cape, Western Cape.
  • Piaranthus geminatus var. foetidus (N.E.Br.) Meve: Flowers 18 mm to 30 mm in diameter, star-shaped, pubescent, and velvety ivory, to sand coloured, with brown-red dots or transverse lines. Corona yellow to orange.
  • Piaranthus globosus A.C.White & B.Sloane: The name is due to the stem segments that are ovoid or globose, light green and resemble a mass of tiny potatoes.
  • Piaranthus pillansii N.E.Br.: flowers 3-4 cm wide, typically greenish yellow, pale yellow or very pale-reddish, without (or with very fine) red spots. Corona yellowish-green.
  • Piaranthus pillansii var. fuscatus N.E.Br.: lobes broad, lanceolate, acuminate, dark purple (or dark crimson?) with very numerous slender irregular transverse and labyrinthine greenish-yellow lines and markings.
  • Piaranthus pillansii var. incostans N.E.Br.: lobes densely dotted or transversely marked with light purple on an ochreous ground, sometimes so minutely as to look light pinkish-brown.

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