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Haemanthus toxicarius L.f. ex Aiton
Hortus Kew. (W. Aiton) 1: 405; Thunb. Prod. Pl. Cap. 59. 1789 Notes: =Buphane disticha

= Boophone toxicaria (L.f. ex Aiton) Herb.
Appendix [Herbert]. 18 1821.(Boophane) et: Bot. Mag. 52[2]: sub t. 1878. 1825 [Jun 1825] Herb. Notes: = Buphane disticha

Accepted Scientific Name: Boophone disticha Herb.
Bot. Mag. 52: sub t. 2578. 1825 ( = Buphane = Boophone )


See all synonyms of Boophone disticha

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