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Aloe bowieana Salm-Dyck
Aloe sect. xxix. fig. 3; Kunth, Enum. iv. 536; et Roem. et Schultes Syst. Veg. vii. 662

Accepted Scientific Name: Gasteria bicolor Haw.
Philos. Mag. Ann. Chem. (1826) 275.

Aloe bowieana (Gasteria bicolor) Photo by: Cactus Art
Gasteria bicolour is typically distinguished, with age, by its short stem, which separates it from other acaulescent species, it that can get tall as leaves keep stacking on themselves.


See all synonyms of Gasteria bicolor

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Gasteria bicolor group/complex

This Taxon has lots of synonyms ( like many other Gasterias) whit several controversial varieties and subspecies and comprises a multitude of different forms, but where each form is linked to others by populations of plants with intermediate characteristics.

  • Gasteria bicolor Haw.: Haw. It is small plant 7-25 cm tall, but can attain greater size in some population (up to 40-60 cm in height at Alicedale)
  • Gasteria bicolor var. fallax (Haw.) van Jaarsv.: has narrow, elongated, linear, mottled leaves, 140 mm long, 11 mm wide. Distribution: Dense clumps are known from the Albany thickets near Swartwaterspoort.
  • Gasteria bicolor var. liliputana (Poelln.) van Jaarsv.: This is a miniature clustering variety, plants boast leaves only 3-5 cm long! However intermediate forms between the two (neither var. bicolor nor var. liliputana) are also common around the environs of Grahamstown.

27938 carolina Carolina González
Aloe bowieana (Gasteria bicolor) Photo by: Carolina González
1970 cactus-art Cactus Art
Aloe bowieana (Gasteria bicolor) Photo by: Cactus Art

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