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Haworthia coarctata var. adelaidensis (Poelln.) M.B.Bayer
Haworthia Revisited 172 1999.


See all synonyms of Haworthia coarctata

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Haworthia coarctata group

  • Haworthia baccata G.G.Sm.: (= H. coarctata v. coarctata) has pearllike slightly raised little tubercles, the plant blush bronze when grown in bright light. Distribution: Southwest of Stutterheim, Cape Province.
  • Haworthia coarctata Haw.: forms columnar rosettes up to 20 cm tall dotted with white, slightly raised tubercles and forms dense clusters. Distribution: farms around Grahamstown.
  • Haworthia coarctata var. adelaidensis (Poelln.) M.B.Bayer: is a smaller element with rosette up to 13 cm tall with narrow leaves. Distribution: originally collected at Grahamstown (not Adelaide).
  • Haworthia coarctata f. chalwinii (Marloth & A.Berger) Pilbeam: (= H. coarctata v. coarctata) has small and firmer leaves. Distribution: Graaff-Reinet in the vicinity of the Kowie River, Eastern Cape.
  • Haworthia coarctata f. greenii (Baker) M.B.Bayer: is a smooth form. Distribution: Howieson's Poort.
  • Haworthia coarctata var. tenuis (G.G.Sm.) M.B.Bayer: has rosettes half the diameter of var. coarctata up to 45 cm tall trailing and rooting where they touch the soil. Distribution: Harvestvale on the Bushmans River.

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