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Haworthia emelyae Poelln.
Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 42: 271. 1937


See all synonyms of Haworthia emelyae

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Haworthia emeliae group

  • Haworthia emelyae Poelln.: has triangular tuberculateleaves usually marked with brown, lilac or pink in full sun, but extremely variable and slow-growing. Western Cape, Little Karoo, Avontuur to Springfontein.
  • Haworthia emelyae var. comptoniana (G.G.Sm.) J.D.Venter & S.A.Hammer: Generally solitary, its growth is almost entirely subterranean. Leaves are broad triangular, reticulate with pale white-flecked "veins" running into lines that converge at the apex.
  • Haworthia emelyae var. major (G.G.Sm.) M.B.Bayer: Leaves acuminate with an apical spine.
  • Haworthia emelyae var. multifolia M.B.Bayer: Rosettes with 20-30 erected leaves.
  • Haworthia picta Poelln.: is one of the most attractive species with leaf tips nicely spotted and turn a tan colour in strong light. Distribution: between Rooiberg and Oudtshoorn at farm Keurkloof and as well South of Vanwykskraal
  • Haworthia picta var. janvlokii Breuer: is a largest form and is may be a kind of connection to H. comptoniana. Distribution: Kammanassie Dam area.
  • Haworthia picta var. tricolor Breuer: has a scabrid leave surface, but intergrading with typical H. picta. Distribution: Rooiberg area and also between of Rooiberg and Oudtshoorn at farm Keurkloof and as well South of Vanwykskraal.

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