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Derenbergia elishae (N.E.Br.) Schwantes
Z. Sukkulentenk. 2: 138 1925

Accepted Scientific Name: Conophytum bilobum var. elishae (N.E.Br.) S.A.Hammer
Dumpling & His Wife: New Views of Gen. Conophytum 85 (2002). Remarks: Basionym not stated

Derenbergia elishae (Conophytum bilobum var. elishae) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli


See all synonyms of Conophytum bilobum

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RUSSIAN (Русский): Конофитум

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Conophytum bilobum group

  • Conophytum apertum Tischer: (subs. altum) differs from Conophytum bilobum subs. altum in that it has pronounced wide open lobes
  • Conophytum apiatum N.E.Br.: (subs. bilobum) has conspicuous dots upon its whitish-green surface. Distribution: Remhoogte and adjacent areas, Little Namaqualand, South Africa.
  • Conophytum bilobum (Marloth) N.E.Br.: It is a very variable taxon with short internodes, leaf-tips (lobes) free, leaves 1 to 6 cm long, more or less triangular in shape and keeled. The flowers are large yellow.
  • Conophytum bilobum subs. altum (L. Bolus) S.A.Hammer: has long internodes long with depauperate bodies, and small flowers.
  • Conophytum bilobum var. elishae (N.E.Br.) S.A.Hammer: large growing bi-lobed species. A transparent zone can be seen just below the fissure and extends downwards.
  • Conophytum bilobum subs. gracilistylum (L. Bolus) S.A.Hammer: has very slender, long-lobed, pale green bodies with a fine spotting, with pale pink flowers. Distribution: northwest of Bitterfontein, West Cape Province, South Africa.
  • Conophytum bilobum lacteum hort.: White flowering form. Distribution: Kuboos mountains, Richtersveld, Little Namaqualand, Western Cape, South Africa.
  • Conophytum chauviniae (Schwantes) S.A.Hammer: (subs. gracilistylum) has leaf-tips free and triangular with deep red markings. Flowers pink to magenta with a prominent perianth tube. Distribution: Namaqualand, Western Cape, South Africa.
  • Conophytum christiansenianum L. Bolus: (subs. bilobum) has robust bodies 7 cm tall, 3 cm wide, leaf-tips free, 10-40 mm long, triangula and keeled. Flower yellow up to 3 cm. Distribution: Namaqualand, Western Cape, South Africa.
  • Conophytum conradii L. Bolus: (subs. bilobum) Bodies 3,5 centimetres long and 9 mm whide, deep green, leaf-tips free, triangular and keeled. Flowers scentless yellow. Distribution: Cape Province, South Africa.
  • Conophytum cordatum Schick & Tischer: (subs. bilobum) has pink-violet blooms, bodies 20-25 mm high, 12-15 mm broad, and 8-10 mm thick cordate (heart-shaped) in outline and keeled. Distribution: western part of South Africa.
  • Conophytum corniferum Schick & Tischer: (subs. altum) The shape of the bodies are as a normal altum and the internodes are somewhat elongated as expected for that subspecies.
  • Conophytum gracile N.E.Br.: (subs. altum) has short, erect, stems which are covered with old leaf sheaths. Distribution: Cape province, Little Namaqualand.
  • Conophytum igniflorum n.n.: has fiery orange flowers in autumn that set this species apart from other bilobed Conophytums. It could be a natural hybrid. Origins unknown exactly.
  • Conophytum lavisianum L. Bolus: (subs. bilobum) It is a southern "bilobum" form with bare body.
  • Conophytum luiseae Schwantes: (subs. altum)
  • Conophytum meyerae Schwantes: (subs. bilobum) is one of the largest and robust forms. Bodies 6 cm tall 6 cm wide. the leaf-tips are heart-shaped and keeled. Distribution: Little Namaqualand
  • Conophytum noisabisense L. Bolus: (subs. bilobum) Distribution: Little Namaqaland.
  • Conophytum ovatum L. Bolus: (subs. bilobum) has broader paired leaves and smaller flowers. Distribution: Namaqualand, South Africa.
  • Conophytum piriforme L. Bolus: has robust piriform (pear-shaped) bodies narrowed toward the apex. Distribution: Kuboos mountains, Richtersveld, Little Namaqualand, North-West Cape Province, South Africa.
  • Conophytum pluriforme L. Bolus: (subs. bilobum) bodies variable in shape.
  • Conophytum simplum N.E.Br.: (subsp. bilobum) has small, almost cylindrical bodies 40-50 mm high, 10-12 mm thick lobes erect, 6 mm long and wide. Distribution: Cape province, Little Namaqualand.
  • Conophytum supremum L. Bolus: (subs. bilobum) Thickness 3 cm, height 7 cm. Leaf-tips free and are 10 mm long, triangular and keeled. Margins green to purple. Distribution: Northern Cape and Little Namaqualand.
  • Conophytum variabile L. Bolus: (subs. bilobum)
  • Conophytum vlakmynense L. Bolus: (subs. bilobum) Big, fat, bi-lobed species, with broad pale greyish green bodies.

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CR1038 8 km N of Komaggas (Conophytum bilobum var. elishae) Photo by: Giuseppe Distefano
14841 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Derenbergia elishae (Conophytum bilobum var. elishae) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli

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Conophytum elishae LAV27947 Komaggas Pass, Northern Cape, South Africa.jpg (Conophytum bilobum var. elishae) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
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Derenbergia elishae (Conophytum bilobum var. elishae) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli

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