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Lithops hookeri var. dabneri cv. Annarosa Photo by: Gennaro Re
See all synonyms of Lithops hookeri
Accepted name in llifle Database:Lithops hookeri (A.Berger) Schwantes
Möller's deutsche gärtner-zeitung 1928, xliii. 46.
Synonymy: 52
- Lithops hookeri (A.Berger) Schwantes
- Lithops aurantiaca L. Bolus
- Lithops turbiniformis N.E.Br.
- Mesembryanthemum hookeri A.Berger
- Mesembryanthemum truncatellum Hook.f. non Haw.
- Mesembryanthemum turbiniforme N.E.Br. non Haw.
- Lithops hookeri C023 (vermiculate Form) 55 km SW of Prieska, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri C051 (vermiculate Form) 15 km NW of Strydenburg, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri C110 50 km NW of Marydale, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri C112 40 km WNW of Prieska, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri C113 10 km NW of Niekerkshoop, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri C114 15 km NW of Niekerkshoop, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri C118 25 km W of Strydenburg, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri C142B 30 km NW of Niekerkshoop, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri C335 (vermiculate Form) 30 km WSW of Strydenburg, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri C336 (vermiculate Form) 45 km SSW of Prieska, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri C340 Near Marydale, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri var. dabneri (L. Bolus) D.T.Cole
- Lithops dabneri L. Bolus
- Lithops turbiniformis var. dabneri (L. Bolus) D.T.Cole
- Lithops hookeri var. dabneri C013 TL: 25 km S of Kimberley, South Africa.
- Lithops hookeri var. dabneri C085 35 km W of Kimberley, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri var. dabneri C301 20 km NNE of Douglas, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri var. elephina (D.T.Cole) D.T.Cole
- Lithops turbiniformis var. elephina D.T.Cole
- Lithops hookeri var. elephina C092 TL: 10 km N of Britstown, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri var. elephina C093 25 km NE of Britstown, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri var. lutea (de Boer) D.T.Cole
- Lithops turbiniformis var. lutea de Boer
- Lithops hookeri var. lutea C038 TL: 5 km NE of Groblershoop, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri var. marginata (Nel) D.T.Cole
- Lithops marginata Nel
- Lithops turbiniformis var. marginata (Nel) D.T.Cole
- Lithops hookeri var. marginata C035 TL: 25 km SE of Hopetown, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri var. marginata C053 (red-brown Form) 25 km SW of Douglas, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri var. marginata C088 (cerise Form) 20 km ENE of Hopetown, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri var. marginata C089 (Red-brown Form) 25 km ENE of Hopetown, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri var. marginata C137 35 km E of Hopetown, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri var. marginata C154 (red-brown Form) 30 km NW of Hopetown, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri var. marginata C155 (red-brown Form) 30 km NW of Hopetown, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri var. marginata C337 (red-brown Form) 30 km SE of Douglas, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri var. marginata C338 35 km SE of Hopetown, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri var. subfenestrata (de Boer) D.T.Cole
- Lithops hookeri var. subfenestrata C019 (syn. brunneoviolacea) TL: 40 km SW of Griquatown, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri var. subfenestrata C021 TL: 15 km SSW of Prieska, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri var. subfenestrata C156 5 km N of Prieska, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri var. subfenestrata C175 20 km SSE of Prieska, South Africa
- Lithops hookeri var. susannae (D.T.Cole) D.T.Cole
- Lithops turbiniformis var. susannae D.T.Cole
- Lithops hookeri vermiculate
Lithops hookeri var. susannae C091 (D.T.Cole) D.T.Cole
Cultivars (5):
- Lithops hookeri var. dabneri cv. Annarosa
- Lithops hookeri var. susannae C091 cv. Green form
- Lithops hookeri var. marginata cv. Shimada's Apricot Y.Shimada
- Lithops hookeri cv. Envy S.A.Hammer
- Lithops hookeri cv. Shimada´s Apricot

Lithops hookeri var. dabneri ‘Annarosa’. Seedlings. Photo by: Gennaro Re
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