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Agave bracteosa f. mediopicta alba


Agave bracteosa f. mediopicta alba Photo by: Matteo Faggion


See all synonyms of Agave bracteosa

Common Names include:
ENGLISH: White-striped Agave, White-striped century plant, Variegated Octopus agave, Variegated Squid Agave, Frosted Candelabrum Agave, Perennial Century Plant, Spider Agave,

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Agave bracteosa group

  • Agave bracteosa S.Watson ex Engelm.: Atypical-looking plant with narrow spineless and toothless leaves both along the edge and at the tip, smooth, soft, irregularly spreading and recurved at the tip.
  • Agave bracteosa f. mediopicta alba: has heavily variegated leaves distinguished by the green leaf borders and cream variegation in the centre.
  • Agave bracteosa cv. Monterrey Frost: has variegated leaves distinguished by the creamy-white in the leaf borders and green in the centre.

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