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Rathbunia thurberi f. dichotoma P.V.Heath
Calyx 2(3): 103 (1992 [Note: Locality not stated.]

Accepted Scientific Name: Stenocereus thurberi f. dichotomus (P.V.Heath) P.V.Heath
Calyx 5(3): 100 (1996)


See all synonyms of Stenocereus thurberi
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Stenocereus thurberi (Engelm.) Buxb.
Bot. Stud. Heft 12 (Entwickl. Trib. Pachycereae) 101 (1961)
Synonymy: 7 Accepted name in llifle Database:
Stenocereus thurberi f. cristatus (P.V.Heath) P.V.Heath
Calyx 5(3): 100 (1996)
Synonymy: 2 Accepted name in llifle Database:
Stenocereus thurberi f. dichotomus (P.V.Heath) P.V.Heath
Calyx 5(3): 100 (1996)
Synonymy: 2 Accepted name in llifle Database:
Stenocereus thurberi subs. littoralis (K.Brandegee) N.P.Taylor
Cactaceae Consensus Init. 5: 13. 1998
Synonymy: 9

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