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Borzicactus fruticosus (F.Ritter) Donald
Natl. Cact. Succ. J. 26: 10. 1971

Accepted Scientific Name: Matucana aurantiaca subs. fruticosa (F.Ritter) Mottram
Cactaceae Syst. Init. 14: 17. 2002 [Oct 2002]


See all synonyms of Matucana aurantiaca

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Matucana aurantiaca group

Matucana aurantiaca is variable and many populations have been given separate species names which in the complex forms a group comprising Matucana aurantiaca, Matucana ritteri, Matucana formosa, Matucana inertexta, Matucana huagalensis and Matucana weberbaueri.

  • Matucana aurantiaca (Vaupel) F.Ritter: (subsp. aurantiaca) has about 16 somewhat spiralled and tuberculate ribs. Spines 20-25. Flowers orange-red. Distribution: Northern Peru.
  • Matucana aurantiaca subs. currundayensis (F.Ritter) Mottram: Distribution: Cerro Currunday (Otuzco, Samne and adjacent areas), La Libertad department, Peru.
  • Matucana aurantiaca subs. fruticosa (F.Ritter) Mottram
  • Matucana aurantiaca subs. hastifera (F.Ritter) Mottram
  • Matucana aurantiaca subs. polzii (Diers, Donald & Zecher) Mottram
  • Matucana calvescens (Kimnach & Hutchison) Buxb.
  • Matucana formosa F.Ritter: has 20-30 weackly tuberculate ribs, Spines dark brown tipped black. Flowers crimson. Distribution: valley of the Maranon, Cajamarca and Amazonas, Peru.
  • Matucana huagalensis (Donald & A.B.Lau) Bregman, Meerst., Melis & A.B.Pullen: very similar to Matucana intertexta but darker coloured. Flowers white or pale pink. Distribution: Maranon
    and Rio Crisnejas, Cajamarca, Peru.
  • Matucana intertexta F.Ritter: has 15-25 crenate ribs, Spines dark brown tipped black. Flowers golden yellow with blood red apices. Distribution: Cajamarca, Peru.
  • Matucana pallarensis F.Ritter: Distribution: El Chagual, La Libertad department, Peru.
  • Matucana ritteri Buining: has fewer spines (8-15) and 12-22 ribs. Flowers, oblique, relatively narrow-tubed, vermilion-carmine with violet petals edge. Distribution: Otuzco, Department of La Libertad, Peru
  • Matucana weberbaueri (Vaupel) Backeb.: has more numerous (25-40) golden yellow or brownish spines and yellow or arange flowers. Distribution: Balsas to Chachapoyas, west side of the Rio Maranon in the department of Amazonas in Peru.
  • Matucana weberbaueri var. flammea (Donald) Slaba: has orange-red flowers instead of yellow. Distribution: Balsas above the Canyon Maronan in the province of Chachapoyas, department of Amazonas in Peru.

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