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Sulcorebutia tarabucoensis subs. rauschii (G.Frank) Halda & Malina
Acta Mus. Richnov., Sect. Nat. 14(4): 95. 2007 [Dec 2007]

= Sulcorebutia rauschii G.Frank
Kakteen Sukk. 20: 238. 1969

Accepted Scientific Name: Rebutia canigueralii Cárdenas
Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles) 36: 26, figs. 1964

Sulcorebutia tarabucoensis subs. rauschii (Sulcorebutia rauschii) Photo by: Andrea B.
Field number: HS121-1 Collector: Heinz Swoboda Locality: Cerro Flor de Aikampa, Zudañez, Chuquisaca, Bolivia 2700m. The magnificent dark purple blooms.


See all synonyms of Rebutia canigueralii

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Rebutia canigueralli group

  • Rebutia canigueralii Cárdenas: Slow growing clustering cactus that may forms clumps of many heads. This is a highly variable species with several forms with light green to purple colouration and small spines. Flowers mostly bicoloured orange, red or purple with a yellow throat, but the amount of red vs. yellow varies widely.
  • Rebutia canigueralii subs. crispata (Rausch) Donald ex D.R.Hunt: Forms small globular bodies nearly obscured by a variable ivory to golden spination. Spines are pectinated, bristly, flexible and more or less curved. Freely clusters to form large mounds.
  • Rebutia pulchra Cárdenas: Stems 40-50 mm Ø, dull olive-green with violet. Radials 10-12 yellow/brown, fine 2-4 mm long. Centrals usually absent. Flowers magenta, red or bicoloured. Distribution: Chuquisaca, Bolivia.
  • Sulcorebutia callecallensis (F.H.Brandt) Pilbeam: has tiny clustering stems, short, pectinate adpressed spines and outstanding bicoloured yellow-red blooms. Distribution: Cerro Calle Calle, Chuquisaca.
  • Sulcorebutia canigueralii var. applanata (Donald & Krahn) Horáček: has small, dull grey-green stems, rapidly offsetting from the base, Flowers bi-coloured yellw-red or purple. Distribution: Cerro Churuquella, Sucre.
  • Sulcorebutia frankiana Rausch: has small-bodies with fox-brown spines and pink to magenta flowers. Distribution: Sucre to Los Alamos and adjacent areas, Chuquisaca, Bolivia.
  • Sulcorebutia gerosenilis ?íha & Arandia: Same as Sulcorebutia crispata v. hertusii.
  • Sulcorebutia hertusii (Halda & Horáček) Halda & Horáček: Body dark-purple coloured covered by hair-like, white or yellowish, twisted spines.
  • Sulcorebutia losenickyana Rausch: has bristly, tight, pectinate spines, pointing diagonally and downward, partially interlaced. Whitish with brownish base, but also golden, brown or almost black. Distribution: Chuquisaca and Potosí.
  • Sulcorebutia pasopayana (F.H.Brandt) Gertel: A small-headed low growing, mound forming, cactus that forms large clumps, sometime with hundreds of heads. The flowers are blood red.
  • Sulcorebutia rauschii G.Frank: Stems highly coloured in purple with very small dark pectinaded spines. Flowers magenta. Distribution: Zudañez, Chuquisaca.
  • Sulcorebutia rauschii f. aureispina hort.: This form has short yellow pectinate spines on a mauve body. Distribution: Zudañez, Chuquisaca.
  • Sulcorebutia rauschii f. cristata hort.: Crested form.
  • Sulcorebutia rauschii f. violacidermis hort.: Beautiful selected form with nice and distinctive dark violet body. Distribution: Zudañez, Chuquisaca.
  • Sulcorebutia rauschii f. viridermis hort.: Green form. Distribution: Zudañez, Chuquisaca.
  • Sulcorebutia roberto-vasquezii Diers & Krahn
  • Sulcorebutia tarabucoensis Rausch: has globular stems with a long taproot. Radial spines bristly to 10 mm long, cream or yellowish, pectinated. Blooms red or dark magenta. Distribution: Tarabuco, Chuquisaca, Bolivia.
  • Sulcorebutia tarabucoensis var. aureiflora (Rausch) K.Augustin & Gertel: has yellow or yellow and orange red flowers, grey-green epidermis, and yellow to white spines up to 10 mm long. Distrtibution: Tarabuco and adjacent areas, Sucre, Bolivia. = Sulcorebutia callecallensis.
  • Sulcorebutia tarabucoensis subs. patriciae B.Bates, Halda, Heřtus & Horáček: Spines yellowish brisly, hairlike. This plant is very similar (if not the same) to Sulcorebutia crispata v. hertusii.

876 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Sulcorebutia tarabucoensis subs. rauschii (Sulcorebutia rauschii) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
29410 gennaro Gennaro Re
Sulcorebutia tarabucoensis subs. rauschii (Sulcorebutia rauschii) Photo by: Gennaro Re

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Sulcorebutia tarabucoensis subs. rauschii (Sulcorebutia rauschii) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
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Sulcorebutia tarabucoensis subs. rauschii (Sulcorebutia rauschii) Photo by: Cactus Art

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Sulcorebutia tarabucoensis subs. rauschii (Sulcorebutia rauschii) Photo by: Cactus Art
29387 cpif Peiffer Clement
Sulcorebutia tarabucoensis subs. rauschii (Sulcorebutia rauschii) Photo by: Peiffer Clement

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Sulcorebutia tarabucoensis subs. rauschii (Sulcorebutia rauschii) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
25349 gennaro Gennaro Re
Sulcorebutia tarabucoensis subs. rauschii (Sulcorebutia rauschii) Photo by: Gennaro Re

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Sulcorebutia (Rebutia) rauschii
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