Gymnocalycium affine Photo by: Alexander Arzberger
Origin and Habitat: Northern part of the province of Córdoba (Argentina), between the towns of San Pedro Norte and San Francisco del Chañar.
Type Locality: Dept. Sobremonte, San Francisco del Chanar ... alt. 620 metres above sea level.
Habitat and ecology: Gymnocalycium affineSN|33152]]SN|33152]] dwells on flat grassland and in low hills on porous soils formed by disintegration of granite and covered by degraded open shrub communities of the Chaco Serrano formation.
Description: Gymnocalycium affineSN|25919]]SN|33152]], is a small compact species with white pink flowers related to Gymnocalycium robustumSN|33152]]SN|25919]].
Stems: Almost completely flat and freely producing offsets at the base.
Tubercles: Divided into characteristic round tubercles.
Areoles: Elongated 7-11 mm long,
Spines: Thin, unicoloured (without a coloured base), radially outspreading, almost straight to moderately bent over the tubercles.
Flowers: Pale pink. Pericarpel robust as long as the corolla, or slightly longer pink.
Seeds: Covered by a cuticle (not naked).
Bibliography: Major references and further lectures
1) Schütziana - Gymnocalycium Online Journal “News 2010” <http://www.schuetziana.org/index.php/news/news-2010>
2) Radomír Řepka “Gymnocalycium affine Řepka sp. nov.—A neglected species of the northern part of Córdoba Province (Argentina)” Cactus and Succulent Journal 82(6):259-265. 2010
3) Schütziana - Gymnocalycium Online Journal , Volume 2, Issue 2, 2011 p. 34
Cultivation and Propagation: This is a species that offers no cultivation difficulties. It is a summer grower that enjoy some shade during the hottest part of the day. Water regularly in summer (but do not over-water). Keep rather dry in winter. Feed with a high potassium fertilizer in summer. Hardy as low as -5° C (or less) if kept dry.
Propagation: Direct sow after last frost or cuttings.