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Erythrorhipsalis cereuscula (Haw.) Volgin
Vestn. Moskovsk. Univ., Ser. 6, Biol. 36(3): 19 1981.

Accepted Scientific Name: Rhipsalis cereuscula Haw.
Philos. Mag. Ann. Chem. 7: 112 1830

Erythrorhipsalis cereuscula (Rhipsalis cereuscula) Photo by: Diego Armentano


See all synonyms of Rhipsalis cereuscula

Common Names include:
ENGLISH: rice cactus, coral-cactus, Mistletoe Cactus
GERMAN (Deutsch): Korallenkaktus

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Rhipsalis cereuscula group

  • Rhipsalis cereuscula Haw.
  • Rhipsalis simmleri Beauverd: has fine, dark green, lacy branches and is minuscule. The main branches spread out into hundreds of finer branches that bear creamy white blooms.

27405 alexander Alexander Arzberger
Lepismium cruciforme, Rhipsalis cereuscula, Cordillera, Paraguay. (Rhipsalis cereuscula) Photo by: Alexander Arzberger
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