Mammillaria vaupelii spec.nov. San Antonio, B.C.S. Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
Origin and Habitat: San Antonio, Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Description: Mammillaria vaupeliiSN|20876]]SN|20876]] sp.nov (often mispelled "vaupelae") is a nomen nudum (undescribed name) used by some seeds collectors and succulent traders to indicate a new undetermined Mammillaria species, similar, and possibly related, to Mammillaria vaupeliiSN|20876]]SN|20876]] from, San Antonio, Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Cultivation and Propagation: Mammillaria vaupelae spec.nov. San Antonio, B.C.S. is slow-growing, and not especially easy to grow. Use pot with good drainage and a very porous mineral-based potting mix. Potted plants are quite wet-sensitive, especially in light of its small root system. Water sparingly during the growing season, keep very dry in winter. Feed with a high potassium fertilizer in summer.
Usually it is recommended to overwinter this plant in a bright and warm greenhouse with at least 8-10° C, but it has proved to be quite frost resistant (if kept dry, it's hardy as low as -5° C). Strong light is required for flowering.
Some plants will offset readily, and clumps can be produced in a very few years.
Propagation: Direct sow after last frost, or use cuttings.