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Bridgesia polyraphis (Pfeiff. ex Salm-Dyck) Backeb.
Blätt. Kakteenf. 1935(12): [2] gen. 71, sp. 2.

= Neoporteria polyraphis (Pfeiff. ex Salm-Dyck) Backeb.
Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles) 23: 118 (polyrhaphis). 1951

Accepted Scientific Name: Eriosyce villosa (Monv.) Katt.
Eriosyce (Cactac.) gen. revis. & ampl. (Succ. Pl. Res., 1) 119 (1994)

Bridgesia polyraphis (Neoporteria polyraphis) Photo by: Cactus Art
This plant is now considered nothing else than Eriosyce villosa, but the plants in cultivation are not exactly the same, the spines are shorter and the flowers are a bit more pointed


See all synonyms of Eriosyce villosa

Common Names include:
SPANISH (Español): Quisco Peludo

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Eriosyce villosa group

  • Eriosyce villosa (Monv.) Katt.: Small solitary cactus dense, long, glassy gold-brownish to black central spines with thin bristle like grey radials, the number of spines (especially the bristly radials) is quite variable.
  • Neoporteria polyraphis (Pfeiff. ex Salm-Dyck) Backeb.: This plant is now considered nothing else than Eriosyce villosa, but the plants in cultivation are not exactly the same, the spines are a little shorter and the flowers are a bit more pointed.
  • Neoporteria villosa var. laniceps (F.Ritter) A.E.Hoffm.: has brownish-green body with long thin straw-coloured to brown spines producing a bird's nest effect. The inner petals remain upright around the style. Distribution: Carrizal Bajo, 03 Atacama, Chile.

18424 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Bridgesia polyraphis (Neoporteria polyraphis) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
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