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Sclerocactus spinosior (Engelm.) D.Woodruff & L.D.Benson
Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles) 48(6): 131. 1976 [May-Jun 1976]

Sclerocactus spinosior Photo by: Prof. Ilham Alakbarov


See all synonyms of Sclerocactus spinosior

Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Desert Valley Fishhook Cactus, Desert Valley Fish-hook Cactus, Spinier devil's-claw cactus, Great basin eagle-claw cactus, , Engelmann fishhook cactus

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Sclerocactus spinosior group

  • Sclerocactus nyensis Hochstätter: has reddish spines that may or may not be hooked, central spines more numerous (six to eight), and more or less indehiscent fruit. Flowers rose-coloured in spring. Distribution: Nye and Esmeralda Counties, Nevada, USA.
  • Sclerocactus spinosior (Engelm.) D.Woodruff & L.D.Benson: (subsp. spinosior) has lower central spines that are tan to black, and one upper central and 2 lateral central spines 2-6 cm long. Distribution: southwestern Utah (Beaver, Juab, Millard, Iron and Sevier Counties).
  • Sclerocactus spinosior subs. blainei (S.L.Welsh & K.H.Thorne) Hochstätter: has, flat, white lower central spines. One upper central spine, 2 lateral central spines, and one lower central spine, 3.5-5.5 cm long (usually longer than subsp. spinosior). Distribution: Nevada (Nye County and Lincoln County)and Utah in the Escalante Desert (Iron County).
  • Sclerocactus spinosior subs. schlesseri (K.D.Heil & S.L.Welsh) Hochstätter: is generally included within (as a synonym of) Sclerocactus spinosior subs. blainei, suggesting that there is not really a fundamental difference between the two. Distribution: Nevada, Lincoln County.

29255 cpif Peiffer Clement
Sclerocactus spinosior SB1068 (Steven Steve Brack) Coconino County, Arizona, USA Photo by: Peiffer Clement
29256 cpif Peiffer Clement
Sclerocactus spinosior Photo by: Peiffer Clement

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