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Pityrophyllum erubescens Beer
Fam. Brom. 79 (1856), nom. superfl.

Accepted Scientific Name: Tillandsia ionantha Planch.
Fl. Serres Jard. Eur. 10: 101 1855. Van Houtte

Pityrophyllum erubescens (Tillandsia ionantha) Photo by: Raffa C. Garcia


See all synonyms of Tillandsia ionantha

Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Blushing Bride, Silver urn, Sky plant, Ionantha air plant, Air Plant, Airplant
KOREAN (한국어): 틸란드시아 이오난사
PERSIAN (فارسی): تیلاندزیا ایونانتا
SPANISH (Español): Gallito, Tenchito
SWEDISH (Svenska): Nåltillandsia

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Tillandsia ionantha group

  • Tillandsia ionantha Planch.: has grey-green rosettes that will turn red when it blooms. Rosettes 8-12 cm tall and usually forms dense masses. Distribution: Central America
  • Tillandsia ionantha var. stricta Koide
  • Tillandsia ionantha cv. Fuego: has smaller intensely neon red coloured rosettes less than 6 cm tall when it blooms and has a tendency to retain a lot of red colouration even after blooming.

21746 gennaro Gennaro Re
Pityrophyllum erubescens (Tillandsia ionantha) Photo by: Gennaro Re
23571 raffa Raffa C. Garcia
Pityrophyllum erubescens (Tillandsia ionantha) Photo by: Raffa C. Garcia

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