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Austrocactus bertinii (Cels ex Hérincq) Britton & Rose
Cactaceae (Britton & Rose) 3: 44. 1922 [12 Oct 1922]

Austrocactus bertinii Photo by: Carolina González


See all synonyms of Austrocactus bertinii
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Austrocactus bertinii (Cels ex Hérincq) Britton & Rose
Cactaceae (Britton & Rose) 3: 44. 1922 [12 Oct 1922]
Synonymy: 12

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Austrocactus bertinii group

  • Austrocactus bertinii (Cels ex Hérincq) Britton & Rose: has often hooked spines and pinkish or yellowish flowers. It is extremely variable. Distribution: Argentina (Chubut, La Pampa, Neuquén, Rio Negro, Santa Cruz); Chile (Aisén)
  • Austrocactus gracilis Backeb.: has thinner stems of only 1-2 cm in diameter, mostly straight black central spines, lighter, forms with creamy-white or reddish spines has also known. Distribution: Neuquen and Rio Negro.
  • Austrocactus patagonicus (F.A.C.Weber ex Speg.) Hosseus: has more spines and whitish or pale rose flowers with some violet. Distribution: Chubut and Negro Rivers in Patagonian Argentina.

23501 carolina Carolina González
In habitat, Neuquén province, Argentina. Photo by: Carolina González
29282 cpif Peiffer Clement
Austrocactus bertinii Photo by: Peiffer Clement

23395 carolina Carolina González
In habitat. (Neuquén province, Argentina) Photo by: Carolina González
23397 carolina Carolina González
In habitat. (Neuquén province, Argentina) Photo by: Carolina González

23602 carolina Carolina González
Habit on step basaltic rocks (A. patagonicus?). Photo by: Carolina González
23499 carolina Carolina González
In habitat, Neuquén province, Argentina. Photo by: Carolina González

26091 Ilham Prof. Ilham Alakbarov
Austrocactus bertinii Photo by: Prof. Ilham Alakbarov
23398 carolina Carolina González
In habitat. (Neuquén province, Argentina) Photo by: Carolina González

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by Cactus Art

by Carolina González
In habitat. (Neuquén province, Argentina)
by Carolina González

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by Valentino Vallicelli
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