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Veitchia joannis

Veitchia joannis

Cycas calcicola

Cycas calcicola

Cocos romanzoffiana var. plumosa

Cocos romanzoffiana var. plumosa

Cyrtostachys renda

Cyrtostachys renda

Livistona humilis

Livistona humilis

Adonidia merrillii

Adonidia merrillii

Cycas basaltica

Cycas basaltica

Cycas angulata

Cycas angulata

Caryota mitis

Caryota mitis

Hyophorbe lagenicaulis

Hyophorbe lagenicaulis

The ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PALMS AND CYCADS is a an internet resource for all impassioned of Palms And Cycads around the world. It aims to be a comprehensive encyclopaedia for all palms and cycads species. (Comprising: monstruos, crested, variegated, palms, cycads)

The encyclopedia of Palms & Cycads provides the Accepted Latin name for most species, subspecies, variety, forms and cultivars, with links to all Synonyms by which that plants has been known. The encyclopedia is regularly updated with information.
Summary Statistics:
The encyclopedia of Palms & Cycads contains 3 plant families, 179 plant genera and includes 1434 scientific names and synonyms. 916 taxa and cultivars have their individual description sheet, 235 of which are accepted scientific names, 1 cultivars names and 1198 synonyms. The encyclopedia of Palms & Cycads is illustrated with 710 plant photos.