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Encyclopedia of CACTI
Table of Contents:
Families: 1 Families currently in the Database
Genera: 441 Genera currently in the Database
Species: 17590 scientific names and synonyms currently in the Database. 6810 taxa and cultivars have their individual description sheet, 2237 of which are accepted scientific names, 419 cultivars names and 14934 synonyms.
CACTI Categories:
- Monstruos:208 scientific and cultivars names currently in the Database.
- Crested:402 scientific and cultivars names currently in the Database.
- Variegated:105 scientific and cultivars names currently in the Database.
- Albinos:64 scientific and cultivars names currently in the Database.
- Chimaeras:6 scientific and cultivars names currently in the Database.
- Short Spines & Spineless:91 scientific and cultivars names currently in the Database.
- Caudiciforms:3 scientific and cultivars names currently in the Database.
- Epiphytes:411 scientific and cultivars names currently in the Database.
- Winter-Hardy Succulents:156 scientific and cultivars names currently in the Database.
- Trees:9 scientific and cultivars names currently in the Database.
- Perennials:0 scientific and cultivars names currently in the Database.